sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

What is a Webquest?

A webquest is an assignment which asks students to use the World Wide Web (internet) to learn about and/or synthesize their knowledge a specific topic.It requires synthesis of the new knowledge by accomplishing a “task,” often to solve a hypothetical problem or address a real-world issue. Simpler web activities designed for students to investigate and collect new knowledge from web-based sources can also be a more engaging and effective replacement for read-the-chapter-and-complete-the-review-questions.
A webquest assignment can be given on the web itself by sending students to a web page which serves as the "home base" for the student’s information search.You can also present a webquest using some other multi-media software such as Hyperstudio or Powerpoint.


1-Webquests are a way to let students work at their own pace, either individually or in teams.
2-A webquest lets students explore selected areas in more depth, but within limits that you have selected. This makes webquests ideal for classes which combine students with different ability levels.
3-Webquests offer a different, more dynamic approach to teaching the value of research.

Here you can look for a Webquest instruction for a 3ro medio class, Unit: Advice and Support.

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